Cats Are Worth It! Find Out How Much With These Tips!


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when it comes to owning a cat, there are many things an owner needs to be responsible for. If you are considering getting a cat for a pet, this article is for you. Read on and learn what things every cat owner should know in order for their pet to be happy and healthy.

Watch the amount of treats that you give your cat. Like humans, cats can easily overeat junk food. This can cause them to gain weight and may lead to some health problems like heart issues and diabetes. If you do give your cat treats, give them a small amount and make it a special thing instead of a regular routine.

Have your kids help you take care of the cat. Assign daily jobs such as feeding the cat and cleaning the litter box. Not only will taking care of the cat teach them responsibility, it also gives you a break from these tasks. This means that you can spend more time cuddling with your cat.

If your cat is picky about drinking water, invest in a cat fountain. These battery operated or plug in fountains keep water circulating and aerated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will help keep your cat out of the kitchen sink and the toilet. It will also help prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor in search of fresh water.

When you move your cat from one house to another, be sure to move the cat last. Set up a quiet room with familiar items for the cat. Keep your cat in the room and quiet for a day or two. Visit and feed the cat in the room. After a couple of days, the cat can explore the rest of the house.

You may be able to find a better deal on your cat’s prescription online instead of purchasing them from your veterinarian. If it’s an emergency, buying online may not be an option. You can save as much as fifty percent on the stuff you regularly use.

Cats can really be so much more than pets, they can be lifelong companions. It has been proven that cats can decrease your blood pressure, lessen the symptoms of depression and help you to live a longer happier life. If you feel like something is missing in your life, you might just need a cat.

Handle your kitten often. The longer your cat is handled as a kitten, the more readily they will accept being handled when they are grown, especially around their paws. This is important as all cats will have to visit the vet occasionally, and this process is much easier and less stressful if the cat is accustomed to being handled. It will also make grooming and nail trimming much easier.

If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. When this occurs, it tends to be because the box is not being maintained properly. Your cat will become afraid of you if you punish it or scold it too often.

If you have ever given your cat a bath, then you know how much they shiver when it is over. This is because their wet fur provides them with no insulation. You can help your cat out by using your hairdryer to dry the hair fast. Just remember not to hold it too close and burn your cat.

Clean your cat’s eyes as frequently as possible because their vision is extremely important and extremely sensitive. Cats interpret five times as much visual stimuli during their day and the smallest particle can become stuck and cause damage. A pair of thumbs and a damp cloth are perfect for clearing the eyes and keeping your cat clean.

Don’t buy a closed litter box without first considering the disadvantages. True, it’s nice that you don’t have to see the contents of the litter box. However, odors tend to build up in closed boxes, making it necessary to clean it more frequently. Covered litter boxes also constrict your cat’s movement, which is a problem for larger pets.

Try to be consistent with the type of cat litter and food you buy your cat. If you change up, it may cause some issues. Cats are creatures of habit, and they do not adapt well to change. If you must make some changes, it would be a good idea to do them gradually.

Vet visits are often inevitable, and the bills can quickly pile up. You can save plenty of money by buying cat medication online. There are several companies that are able to deliver your cat’s medication right to your front door. This is very convenient for medications, such as monthly flea treatments or heart worm medications.

You want to be sure your cat has a collar with tags on all the time. Cats aren’t stupid animals – they may try to leave the house when they find an opportunity. If your cat gets lost, your chances of getting it back will be much higher if she has a collar and a tag.

The way to take good care of your cat is to groom them often. Use a brush to remove any excess hair. Cats usually enjoy being brushed and will come running to you when they see the brush in your hand. Keep their nails trimmed so they do not grow back and injure their paws.

While owning a cat has many benefits, it also requires a great deal of work. Be sure and implement the tips and tricks mentioned in the article above in order to give your cat the best life possible. A happy cat will serve as a wonderful companion for years and years.


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